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Performance & Longevity Coaching

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Ernährungsberaterin mit Tattoos und ein Persoanl Trainer

Hi, I am Lina D.

Certified Nutrionist,
Expert in Nutrigenetik & Food Medic Personal Trainer

Lina is a certified nutritionist with a focus on food medic, nutrigenetik and vegan sports nutrition. Also a trainer, she looks after her customers holistically and knows exactly how to increase the performance of the athletes in a sustainable and healthy way. The nutrient and food hack ace is a passionate cook and also has a lot of exciting, original and delicious recipes ready. 

The  Limi  Power Method

The Ultimate Method to Change Your Life

Instead of generic Meal- and Training Plans, we will do a lifestyle behavior change for the better that fits to your life circumstances and preferences.

We will not just investigate your eating habits and training, but also look into your daily life and routine, your non sport activity levels, your sleep behavior.

Customized to your needs we will offer you an online or 1o1 coaching with the intensity you want. 

Our Speciality

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Healthy nutrition is the best life hack! A precise nutrition concept that follows your and your body needs.

We are focussing on long term results and sustainable solutions.   


Movement/Personal Training 

From your daily non sport activities till training programs for health and performance. We will give you structure and support.



Recovery Management

In modern life we tend to optimize training and work, but we often forget the importance of good recovery. We are mostly not overtrained, but under recovered. We will guide you through best recovery methods.

As Featured On

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Our Sessions

Onkine Session

     Power on the Go

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